Sunday 6 October 2013

Family Connections

       Creating replicas of similar items which were in my Grandmother's house has been interesting. Realizing they cannot be the same, they are made by me.  Yet they have the essence of being birthed from another item.  The idea of family being connected is huge in this project. Family is connected in ways beyond comprehension.  Particles of matter connect to us in ways we do not visually see.  Through replicating objects, I speak to how people reproduce little bits of themselves. Families spider web around the universe.

Driveway Mailbox

Driveway Mailbox is a work in progress.  
Through the rectangular hole below, you peep in to see an image of the driveway illuminated.

Slowly, I've been forging steel "roots" which will stand the mailbox up.

...more pictures to come!