Preserving Harold

In Harold's / Grandma's house...

I found cupboards full of jarred preserves from as late as 1996 --
others not labelled -- almost two decades old!
 I'm not even sure who jarred them, although I could guess.
Some I left behind as they were mouldy, but collected at least 6 boxes of them.
I couldn't resist. Pickles, beets, raspberries, some things unrecognizable...
 They were so interesting to look at.
And they struck so many thoughts -- for instance the fact that no one seemed to be
talking about the sudden death or wanting to deal with it properly.
Everyone wanted him alive; to Preserve Harold in their own way.
 We all want to hear his laugh again; keep him in our hearts -- yet all want closure.

Images of "Preserving Harold" on display in my studio window.
Four large photoshopped images were blown up and printed on plexiglass.

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